Though most of the horses at Blitzen Morgans know some basic tricks, the horses listed here frequent our clinics and performances as demonstration horses and have quite the repertoire! Please note that if you are interested in purchasing a foal or horses from us, we are happy to train both you and your new partner a variety of tricks!
Phoenix is the daughter of Raine and is already showing to be much like her mother! Phoenix has learned a plethora of tricks and just turned one year old!
Phoenix's Video Tricks Learned: Hugs, Smile, Leg Lift, Stand on Mat, Look Away, One Knee Bow, Kneel, Self Halter, Teeter Totter, Head Snuggle, Nose to Target, Liberty - Follow me, Come When Called, Spin Both Directions, |
Riley - AKA Smiley Riley
Riley has quite the personality and he sure isn't afraid to show it off. He is our most trained trick horse and still enjoys showing off his skill set, but due to his age he only makes appearances at clinics held on our farm now. The first trick he learned, and his favourite trick to date is defiantly the smile and he sure has a big one!!!
Riley's Video Tricks Learned: Smile, Hug, Wave, Spanish Walk, Pick Up Objects, Say Yes, Say No, Get Your Rope, Pedestal stand, Pedestal Wave, Pedestal Bow, Sit down, Cursty, Two Legged Bow, One Knee Bow, Dance, Rear, Play Ball, Mounted Wave, and Park Out Liberty - Follow me, Back with me, Lateral movement towards and away, turn on the haunches towards and away, turn on the forehand towards and away. |
Lila is the newest addition to our Trick Horse line up. She is Caylyn's primary dressage horse as well, but Lila has been keen to perform and learn tricks as well. She's taking the place of Smoke who was one of our main demo horses for several years, but found a fabulous forever home in the spring of 2021!
Tricks Learned: Pedestal, Hug, Nose to Target, Wave,, Pedestal, Pedestal Wave, Two Legged Bow, One Knee Bow, Park, Curtsy, Say No, Play Ball, Working on: Smile, Nicker on command, Say Yes, Pick up Object Liberty: Side Pass Away, Turn on the haunches away, Turn on the forehand away and towards, Walk with me, Trot with me, liberty lunging, draw to me at the walk and trot |
Raine is our youngest performer, she start learning tricks at just 5 months old and did her first performance at 6 months of age. Raine was born on our farm here and now she is filling the big shoes of Riley as being our primary trick horse performer and soon hopefully a dressage mount for Caylyn as well. Raine has already been out to several performances and demonstrations already and is coming 4 this year. She has mastered many difficult tricks, we can't wait to see how she continues to develop!
Raine's Video Tricks Learned Hug, Smile, Wave, Lay Down, Flop Over, Sit Up, Two Legged Bow, One Knee Bow, Kneel (sometimes!), Say Yes, Say No, Learning to Sit Down, Nose to Target, Pedestal, Pedestal Wave, Park Out, Curtsy, Stand on Target, Go to Target, Look Away, High Pedestal Work, Liberty: Walk with me, Back with me, Side pass away, Turn on the forehand away, Pull Turns (Hind quarters and front), Trot with Me, Reverse Sides, Turn a Circle, Liberty lunging, Draw at the walk |